Altea through the lens: The best places to photograph
Altea through the lens: The best places to photograph

Posted by Manuel on 25/04/2024

For all photography enthusiasts and tireless travelers looking to capture the essence of every destination, Altea presents itself as a canvas of unparalleled opportunities. This charming village on the Costa Blanca, with its cobblestone streets, white houses, and views of the Mediterranean, offers magical corners that deserve to be immortalized. Here, we share some tips and the best places for you and your camera to take home a piece of Altea.

1. The Old Town: a maze full of history

Begin your adventure in the heart of Altea, its old town. Here, every corner tells a story and every detail deserves a pause. The best time to capture its essence is at sunset, when the golden light caresses the white facades and the shadows deepen, adding dramatic contrast to your photos. Don't miss the Church Square with its imposing church and the panoramic views from the nearby viewpoint.

2. The viewpoints: windows to the Mediterranean

 Altea proudly sits on a promontory, offering natural viewpoints that are true balconies to the sea. The Mirador de Cronistas de España is a must for any photographer. Here, the blue of the sky merges with that of the sea, creating an infinite horizon that takes everyone's breath away. The sunrise from this point is a spectacle of soft colors and tranquility, perfect for capturing the serenity of the Mediterranean.

3. The Promenade: life in motion

Head down to the promenade at the end of the day, when the light begins to soften, for a unique opportunity to capture local life in motion. Boats gently swaying in the water, families enjoying the sea breeze, and fishermen returning from their day offer a series of snapshots full of life and color.

4. Hidden corners: the magic is in the details

Altea is full of small details that often go unnoticed. Narrow alleyways, old doors, colorful flowerpots hanging on the walls… Take some time to deliberately get lost. The magic of photography lies in capturing those small details that reveal the character of a place.

5. Altea beach: where the sky meets the sea

Finally, you can't leave Altea without capturing the vast beauty of its beach. Whether at sunrise, with the first rays of the sun painting the sky pink, or at sunset, when the sun bids farewell bathing everything in gold, Altea beach offers a dynamic and ever-changing scene.

Altea is undoubtedly a paradise for photographers. Every moment of the day offers a new perspective, a new color, and a new emotion. We hope these tips inspire you to explore and capture the unique beauty of this corner of the Mediterranean!
