What are the patron festivities of Moors & Christians in Altea
What are the patron festivities of Moors & Christians in Altea

Posted by Manuel on 10/04/2024

 Many of you when you visit Atea in September, you wonder what that celebration that covers the streets of Altea with people dressed in costumes or because the streets are filled with musicians and local people celebrating a party, if they are not marked dates like Christmas or the holy week.

Today in our blog we wanted to tell you about the Moors and Christians festivities in Altea, since many of our travelers are curious to know what they really are and why they are celebrated.

The Moors and Christians are a popular festivity celebrated in Spain, mainly in the south of the Valencian Community and other areas of the peninsular southeast. According to tradition, these festivities commemorate the battles that were fought during the Reconquest, during which the Christian Spanish kingdoms resumed the domains occupied by the Mohammedans. It also commemorates the entire period of Saracen rebellions, attacks by Berber pirates, and the expulsion of the Moors, which takes place in the seventeenth century, a time in which, in some cases, have already originated the dawn of this celebration.

 The festivities of Moros y Cristianos in Altea are celebrated on the fourth weekend of September and last for a week. They have been held since 1979 with pregón acts, embassies, targets and parades. A few unique days, where the streets of Altea are filled with music, color and fun, with numerous activities and events to enjoy a great festive atmosphere.

 Altea holds a lot of history around its festivities. When Jaime I disembarked in the town, he discovered in Altea the perfect location to defend the rest of the maritime territory. Centuries later, the traditional celebrations that evoke, the struggle between Moors and Christian are still commemorated in the town. Some festivities in which there is no shortage of weapons, mascletás and, of course, the traditional battle that recreates the Arab occupation and its subsequent reconquest.

During these days, Altea is filled with a great atmosphere of party, music and gunpowder that bring together both Alteaans and visitors to enjoy the celebrations in honor of the Most Holy Christ of the Tabernacle, patron saint of Altea, together with the Moors and Christians in honor of San Blas.

Among the many festive events, highlights the offering of flowers, the staging of the arrival of the Christ to the people, the “Entrà de la Murta”, the procession of Christ and San Blas or the emblematic entries of the “filaes” of Moors and Christians . The parades are the most touristic part of the party and are celebrated in two days: Saturday afternoon and Monday. Delivery of flags, paellas at noon, musical shows for children and the big farewell party in the barracks with music and monologues, put an end to the intense days of commemorations and fun.

 It should also be noted that the first weekend of February also takes place in Altea the celebration of Half Year of the festivities of Moors and Christians in honor of San Blas, patron of Altea, with a weekend full of activities.

During these Patron Saint Festivals, the Abaco Hotel closes its doors because as you know the hotel is a place of refuge and is in the very heart of the celebration and the last thing you can get in the hotel is rest. We take advantage of those days to make improvements and reforms in the hotel.

If you do not know the Fiestas, I recommend them if you are looking to party, come and visit this year!
